
Friday, April 6, 2012

Yellow Fever Award of the Year

Seen at a famous tourist spot (guess where?) in NYC: a white guy, with Asian wife, wearing a T-shirt with the Chinese characters “I love my wife”. Very clever. And only certain people would be able to read it. Hehe.

Asian Singles at

How to Act on the First Date

In my book, Asian Candy, the protagonist had to learn how to act on a first date to get a second date. Here are some things she learned:

1. Dress hot: reveal a little cleavage and leg, but don't look like a hooker.

2. Put on makeup: look like a glamour puss, with the sexy black eyeliner, men like that.

3. Eat beforehand: do not go in starving, or you would look like a pig. Once I went to a shabu shabu place on a date and ate all the meat at the table and scared the guy so much he never called.

4. Do not take leftovers home

5. Look into his eyes and compliment him with a line like, "you have nice hair" (if he has hair, that is), or "you have nice eyes". But you have to really mean it. He will call and ask for a second date if you compliment him and also do #6:

6. Cleanse your spirit of all negativity: your heart has to be open for someone new to come in. If you are thinking that there is no way on earth he's coming near your cucheecoo, then you will act accordingly and he will feel it. I once took a Learning Annex course on How to Attract Men Like Bees to Honey. The instructor asked us to visualize a phallus in our pussies. If you have something soft to come home to, men will do anything to get home. Then she asked us to visualize our fathers. Most women in the class were angry at their fathers. Perhaps we were not attracting men because we were angry at our fathers, so we tried visualizing the wind and water washing our negativity away on a sandy beach. Try this next time you need to be in any social situation. It works.

What We Can All Learn from Papi

Lately, I have been watching The L Word online. I am up to Season 4, and there is a character named Papi, a lesbian who beds thousands of women and is irresistable. What's her secret? She just loves women, loves their smell, their voice, their everything. Maybe we all just need to give a little more love to get more lovin'!

Here's to love!